Bad Manners

Amidst the stares, Skyla took a step back hesitantly while her mind swirled for ways to escape this place. Unfortunately for her, the crowd surrounded her leaving no means to escape.

She whipped her head towards Aurelia who was standing in front of the crowd, looking at her with a stunned expression. Her mind screamed to run when she saw Aurelia's expression alter from stunned to cold.

But to her surprise, she heard Aurelia exclaim loudly, "Oh no! That was one of my favourite gifts"

Instantly the crowd shuffled as discussions arose as they simultaneously shifted their eyes from Skyla to Aurelia in amazement.

Skyla raised her eyebrows in confusion but soon saw Aurelia wink at her.

'Is she….helping me?' Skyla thought ridiculously.

Aurelia swayed on her feet as her body trembled and fell on Skyla, as tears slipped out of her eyes. Skyla hissed as her sharp nails clutched her shoulder hard, piercing her skin. She pursed her lips as she caught hold of Aurelia's arm, instinctively wanting to throw her off when she felt Aurelia's lips at her ear as she whispered, "It's okay… your secret is safe with me"

Skyla froze as her cold breath fell on her face. She looked down at Aurelia who was smiling at her gently, assuring her that she would protect her.

Skyla's lips trembled slightly as she let down her hand slowly making Aurelia smile widely. She reached out her hand towards Skyla's back and patted her as if she was saying the words 'It's okay'

Aurelia straightened her posture and glanced at the doubtful vampires surrounding them. A flash of annoyance passed through her eyes before a smile rested on her face as if the annoyance earlier was just an illusion.

"My husband would be heartbroken when he learns that I lost one of his precious gifts," Aurelia said as she shook her head sadly.

At the mention of her husband, several vampires flinched as they shifted their eyes away from them and retried to their work. Aurelia narrowed her eyes coldly before looking at Skyla gently, who had a surprised look on her face.

She chuckled, "My husband holds some power in this city"

Skyla shifted her eyes from the vampires to Aurelia and coughed out, "I can see that"

Aurelia laughed in response before turning to the guy who knocked into her. The guy shuddered as he scrambled to his feet and hurried along.

She furrowed her brows as she turned to Skyla and said, "How will I leave you in this dangerous place?"

Skyla scratched her nose awkwardly as she answered, "It's okay… he said he would come back soon"

Aurelia rubbed her temples as she scolded, "I can't believe Xavier let you out like this. How can he be so irresponsible!"

Skyla widened her eyes as she gasped, "How do you know Xavier?"

"Well, of course" Aurelia rolled her eyes as she pointed at the small bottle and dissed, "Who else would spend time creating strange things?"

Skyla laughed as she agreed with her. Aurelia sighed as she rubbed her chin thoughtfully, "What shall we do?"

Suddenly her eyes brightened as she clapped her hands, startling Skyla, "I know… Why don't you come with me?"

"H-Huh?" Skyla panicked as she took a step back and looked at Aurelia in shock.

Aurelia tilted her head as she asked sadly with a pout, "Why? Are you scared of me?"

Skyla's eyes widened as she shook her head vigorously and denied, "No..No.."

Immediately Aurelia smiled as she said, "Then, it's decided. Let's head to my home and wait for Xavier"


Aurelia stopped and turned to her pitifully. She played with the ends of her hair as she said sadly, "I have never had a friend over"

Skyla looked at the kind beautiful harmless woman who helped her moments ago and closed her eyes in surrender and nodded.

Instantly her hands were clasped with cold ones as she was pulled along with Aurelia who said happily, "Don't worry… he will know where to pick you up exactly"


Skyla stared at the huge villa in front of her with her jaw wide open as her eyes spun widely.

'So rich!'

Aurelia looked at her, and smiled happily, "Welcome to my home, Skyla"

Skyla scratched the tip of her nose awkwardly as she thought, 'I wonder if it's too late to turn around'

Her body stiffened when she saw the row of maids lined up with the butler and two maids at the centre, waiting to greet their master.

"Welcome back, mistress", they greeted simultaneously making Skyla jump.

Aurelia smiled at the butler and said, "I have brought a friend over"

The butler looked surprised before he glanced at Skyla who cowered behind Aurelia. Aurelia's eyes glimmered as she pushed Skyla towards the front.

She rubbed her head awkwardly as she said softly, "H-Hi..hello, I'm Skyla"

The butler looked at his mistress who was smiling behind Skyla before turning to the new lady and said, "Welcome, Lady Skyla"

'Yikes… Lady?' Skyla thought embarrassedly as she smiled at the butler.

Suddenly she felt hands on her shoulders and heard Aurelia announce, "She is a very special guest. Please take care of her for me"

A glint flashed through the butler's eyes before he composed his face and said, "As you wish, Mistress"

Immediately, Skyla shook her head and said in fright, "No..No.. there is no need for all of that"

"Do you hate this?"

She turned around to face Aurelia's sad eyes and blinked.

'Ugh! This is a pain' she cried inwardly but turned to the butler and bowed, "Then, please take care of me"

Surprise flashed through his eyes before he pursed his lips slightly and said, "That is our duty, Lady Skyla"

Saying that, the butler looked at the two maids behind him letting Skyla finally take notice of them. She saw their pale faces as well as one of the maids trembling making her wonder whether she was scary.

She dismissed her thoughts when she felt two hands grasp her arms making her eyes widen.

'What's happening?'

She turned towards Aurelia for help, who was standing behind her enjoying her distress. She had her hand over her mouth as she chuckled, "Clean her up well" to which the maids nodded.

Skyla's eyes widened as she finally understood what she was going to go through.

"Wait.. Aurelia -" Her voice disappeared as the maids pushed her into the house.

Aurelia had a smile on her face until she saw Skyla disappear from her sight. Instantly the atmosphere declined as the air chilled around her shuddering the servants. Her eyes narrowed to slits as she turned to the butler and inquired, "Is my husband home?"

The butler bowed his head as he answered, "Not yet, Mistress"

Aurelia turned her eyes towards the door as her lips curled up into a smirk, "Well then, tell him to come back home soon"

Walking past the butler towards the entrance, she sneered coldly, "It's bad manners to keep our food waiting"

The butler kept his head lowered as his lips curled up and said, "Right away, Mistress"