The Anderson Mansion (2)

Skyla intentionally let the couple walk in front of her, as they proceeded towards the dining hall, not wanting to be the third wheel between them.

The early episode was still on her mind making her face turn red as a tomato. She fiddled with her dress as she scolded herself inwardly while hitting her forehead. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice the panicking maid running towards her.


"Ouch" Skyla groaned as she landed on her butt. Rubbing her head, she glanced up and saw the person who collided with her, a maid, in the exact same position as her.

She asked worriedly, "Are you okay?"

The maid halted in her movements as she looked up stiffly. On seeing Skyla stretch her hand towards her, the maid whimpered and crawled backward in fear, apologizing profusely.

Skyla froze as she stared at her outstretched hand one second and in the next, shifted her eyes to the trembling maid, making her lips twitch.

'Seriously, Am I that scary?'

Retracting her hand, Skyla lifted her lips trying her best to appear friendly and asked, "Are you okay?"

The maid froze at her words and raised her eyes to look at the girl in front of her in shock. She opened her mouth to speak when she heard a voice which caused shivers travel down her spine. Scattering up on her feet, the maid bowed her head and apologized before dashing away from Skyla.

Skyla watched the figure running away from her in disbelief when she heard Aurelia's worried voice, "Skyla, are you okay?"

Skyla turned her eyes towards her friend and smiled, "Yeah… this is nothing" She patted her hands free of dust as her eyes travelled to the wide open door through which the maid ran out. She narrowed her eyes as she took a step forward to inspect the room when Aurelia banged the door shut.

Startled, Skyla shifted her eyes towards Aurelia who was looking at her with a panicked face. She hurriedly grasped her arms and checked her over and sighed gratefully, "Thank God, you are not injured"

Skyla smiled awkwardly as she patted Aurelia on her back, "It was just a fall"

But her mind stayed on the now black door wondering what it was that made the maid run out for her life.

"Let's head over now, " Aurelia said as she turned to walk ahead. Skyla pressed her lips as she stared at the door in front of her. Before she knew it, she was in front of the door, her hand on the doorknob.


Suddenly a shout spooked her as Skyla turned towards Aurelia who was staring at her hand.

Skyla glanced at her hand before she jumped backwards. She scratched her cheek awkwardly, "I'm sorry… I was just curious"

Aurelia exhaled in relief before wrapping her hands around Skyla's shoulders.

"You can't go in there, Skyla. That room is out of bounds"

Skyla gazed into those smiling eyes before turning towards the door. She nodded her head and looked at Alec who was staring at her.

"I'm sorry"

Alec nodded his head before he turned around and walked to the hall. Aurelia followed him, quickly pulling Skyla along with her. Skyla looked at the door in daze before she reluctantly retracted her gaze.

Something was telling her that something laid behind that door...something that would explain her uneasiness.


Skyla's jaw fell open as soon as they entered the dining hall. Right upon entering the hall, a long wide table came into her view with a lit candle stand. White napkins along with forks and knives were placed beside the plates. Her eyes travelled towards the ceilings which were made of glass, flaunting the beautiful dark sky. It was as if they were having dinner under the night sky.

Skyla's steps halted as her gaze paused on the sky as she mumbled, "Why isn't the sun out yet?" It was weird that even after so long, she has yet to see the daylight.

Furrowing her brows in puzzlement, she glanced at Aurelia when she heard her ask in confusion, "Sun?"

Noticing the unusualness, Skyla nodded her head and watched Aurelia exchange glances with Alec who shrugged. Skyla cleared her throat as she asked more clearly, "Why is it always night here?"

"Night?" Aurelia frowned, "but it's daytime now"

'Huh?' Skyla looked at her as if she was crazy, ' Are you kidding me? The sky is obviously dark -' She stopped when something struck her making her gasp, "Ah!"

'No wonder…' She mumbled as she slapped herself mentally, 'It's full of vampires here… This place is perfectly made for them'

"Come on, Skyla… the food is ready. Let's have dinner," Aurelia encouraged her, making Skyla smile stiffly.

She sat down opposite Aurelia while the head seat was taken by Alec. She ignored how the couples held hands and gazed at each other fondly while her eyes roamed across the hall. Her eyes almost popped out when she saw the servants bring out the dishes.

One, Two… Six?

Six servants came out carrying two dishes in both their hands much to Skyla's shock. She suppressed her urge to scoff as the servants placed the dishes in front of her.

Glancing at the heap of food in front of her, she retracted her gaze from the food and asked stiffly, "Isn't this a lot?" Are they going to feed a pig?

Aurelia chuckled as she passed one of his favourites to her husband and said, "I think it's only right for our guest"

Skyla nodded stiffly before taking up her fork and knife and dug in.


After an hour or so, Skyla put down her fork and wiped her mouth with the napkin before she leaned backward in her chair. She rubbed her now protruding stomach and cried inwardly , 'I won't eat anything for the next two days'

"Ah! It's here," Aurelia hushed happily

Skyla tilted her only movable part - her head to only widen her eyes in shock. Much to her horror, she saw a maid carrying a tray over.

'I can't eat anymore,' she cried desperately as her eyes followed the tray.

Maybe it was because Aurelia noticed her despair or because she cried out loud. Skyla heard Aurelia say, "It's just soup… it's one of our favorites after dinner"

Right at that instant, a small bowl full of clear chicken soup was placed in front of her making her lips twitch. She glanced at Aurelia who encouraged her to take a sip. Succumbing to her wishes, Skyla reluctantly picked up her spoon and drank it.

Just as she dived in to drink the soup, she didn't notice the evil glint in Aurelia's eyes nor did she notice how Jennie looked at her anxiously among the maids.

Soon after dinner, Skyla yawned as she made her way towards her room. She was feeling full and heavy but somehow her eyelids were heavy with sleep. Upon entering the room, Skyla walked around her room to digest her food. Her mind spiraled as she thought of the maid and the black door.

After a couple of seconds, feeling tired, Skyla sat down and wondered when Xavier would get his ass here. As time passed, Skyla was finding it hard to stay awake and soon found herself closing her eyes to the land of dreams.

At the same second, she fell asleep, unconscious to the world, her room was pushed open and footsteps echoed inside the room.