Real Monsters

Skyla sat there in shock as if lightning struck her, shattering her hopes and stopping her breath. She could only watch as the cruel vampires surrounded Julie as if they were playing a game - taking their own sweet time to kill their opponent.

The air in the room turned stiff in tension when Skyla saw one of those vampires appear behind Julie making her want to warn her instinctively but before she could even open her mouth, she saw the vampire grab Julie by her neck and throw her harshly onto the middle of the room.

Skyla clutched the shelf beside her in reflex as she found it hard to breathe with her tears cascading down her face. She bit her lips to prevent her sobs from reaching their ears. Her eyes turned red when she heard the vampires cackle at Julie's wrecked appearance.

She had thought that she had already witnessed everything when humans targeted her yet the scene happening before her was revealing that what she had experienced before was nothing compared to cruel torture before her eyes.

But the events she had faced here had disclosed one important fact - Defrox was a cold, heartless and vicious place. It followed the lifestyle of a jungle - only the strong lived while the weak were meant to be butchered.

For the first time since her arrival, Skyla felt terrified by what this world has to offer her… on why the voice guided her here? Was it really for her protection?

Would she have to witness all these gruesome events over the time? Would she share the same faith as Julie some day?

All these questions were hurled at her, one after the other, turning her eyes dull.

She thought humans were the monsters in her life but in reality, it was just that the real monsters took their own sweet time to appear in her life.

She almost shrieked when she saw a kick land on Julie's stomach. Her hands quivered as she covered her mouth to stifle her sobs.

She couldn't watch… she shouldn't sit still… she should help her yet the voice whispered in her mind, demolishing her small courage into bits, "But what can you do?"

Right? What can she do?

She was only a weak human with no strength to fight off the horde of vampires.


A blood curdling screech disrupted her thoughts, making her lift her head to notice the blood sprayed on Julie's face as she panted heavily.

In her hand was a dagger coated in dark red blood while the vampire who was attacked, rolled on the ground, howling in high-pitch volume, with his hands over his face. The atmosphere froze for a second before the room was filled with angry snarls as everyone turned to glare at the human on the ground.

Julie let out a snort as she rubbed her face on her sleeves, colouring it red. Suddenly a furious snarl attracted her attention as she turned her eyes to meet the glare of the attacked vampire, who now carried a burning slash across his face wishing to snap her neck in half.

Skyla's eyes widened in shock as she suppressed a gasp upon seeing the damage.


For a moment, she saw the wary yet furious expression cross the vampires before it turned nasty.

'W-what just happened?,' Skyla thought as her eyes shifted to Aurelia and Alec who shared similar grotesque expressions.

Julie snickered as she spat blood onto the ground and dangled the dagger in front of their eyes, "You never thought your own weapons would be used to defeat you, right?"

"Defeat us?"

Aurelia scoffed as she took a step forward instantly making all the vampires create a path for her, "A mere human like you? Defeat us, vampires" Her eyes turned murderously cold, making Skyla's stomach churn, as she sneered, "Don't joke with me"

"Now, this is going to be a lesson for all of you" Aurelia halted in her steps as her eyes skimmed through the terrified maids standing by the entrance, making sure they were watching, "Never disobey my orders" Turning to Julie, Aurelia's lips rose, exposing her fangs, "Nor disrupt my plans"

Right as her words dropped, Aurelia appeared in front of her resulting in Julie taking a step back involuntarily. In that moment, Aurelia kicked the dagger away from her hand before punching

Julie's chest.


Julie's eyes bulged out as a loud crack echoed inside the room. She coughed out blood before she was thrown against the wall harshly leaving a dent on the wall.

Julie let out a soft groan as her body fell from the dent onto the ground. Cold beads of sweat formed on her forehead as her body screamed in agony. She couldn't feel her limbs anymore. She wanted to get up on her feet but the mere task of breathing was causing an excruciating pain course through her veins.

Julie moaned as she clenched her fists making Aurelia snicker, "My, weren't you planning to defeat us?"

Aurelia walked closer to Julie and kicked her stomach making Julie scream in pain.

"Come on, get up dog," Aurelia gloated as she aimed another kick onto her stomach. Her eyes turned crazy as her ears were graced with the melody of the dog's screams.

Julie curled her body in a ball and her eyes blurred with the amount of pain coursing through her body. Blood seeped out of her lips as she opened her eyes in difficulty and glanced in the direction of Skyla.

Feeling bored with her unresponsiveness, Aurelia bent down and yanked her hair making Julie groan. Julie looked into the vampire's eyes in hatred as she wished to die desperately. It was as if Aurelia read her thoughts, she lifted Julie off her feet and snickered, "Are you giving up?"

"That's no fun"

Julie pressed her lips as she glared at the vampire, making Aurelia widen her crazy smile. Angered, Julie spat blood on her face making the smile on Aurelia's face freeze.

After a second or so, Aurelia lifted her other hand to touch her face in disbelief. When she felt a sticky sensation on her face, the world turned upside down.

Aurelia hollered angrily, "BITCH"

She wrapped her hands around the human's neck to snap her neck in half as she snarled, "Die, bitch"

Julie's stomach churned in fear but she gladly accepted her fate. Her heart thundered loudly in her chest as she waited for her death but even after a minute passed, she didn't feel any pain. Slowly opening her eyes, she was greeted by Aurelia's wild smile, "How can you die so easily…"

Julie's face paled in fear as she stared at this monster in front of her. Her hands slumped to her sides hopelessly as she watched the crazy woman explain her death, "You will be skinned alive and each time death closes on you, you will be saved "

Aurelia let out a mad laugh at the end and glanced at the pale human who was finally showing the expression she loved to see. She brought the human's face closer to hers as she smirked in excitement.


The atmosphere froze as a soft thud resonated inside the room. Aurelia's eyes widened as she released the human and staggered a step back. She touched her back and felt something hard buried on her back before a bloody scream erupted from her lips, shattering the frozen atmosphere.

Aurelia swayed on her feet as she turned around to see her culprit but her eyes froze, when she noticed Skyla standing by the shelf, her hands in front of her but what made her freeze was her cold glare, that sent chills down her spine.