
"What do we do?" 

They were standing in front of the exit and in front of them was the entrance to the mountains, covered in heaps of snow. Somehow they had managed to pass through the woods, within a day and without any incidents which still baffled them to an extent. They were thrilled when they saw the exit but once they exited, their expressions froze.

The scenery as well as the temperature was freezing leaving the vampires perplexed. They saw white all around them that it hurt their eyes. 

Ezekiel frowned as he stared at the path intensely but soon snapped out of it when he felt Skyla stir in his arms. Looking down, he noticed her brows squeezed together as well as her body trembling slightly from the cold. 

Pursing his lips, he took out his robe and wrapped her with it but he could still feel her body shiver when it made contact with his skin.

Ezekiel sighed as he looked down at Skyla with mixed emotions on his face.