Chapter 3 Strength and Money

Aman has spend last 2 months to develop the space but he know if he want to rule he need personal power with the Space as he don't want to be a turtle in a shell, he want adventure and to rule this world.

His personal Status

Name: Aman

Race: Higher Human

Age: 10 years

Gender: Male

Physical: Level 10

Magic: Level 0

Special ability ( Sharingan eyes)

Partner 0

Slave 0

For his personal powers he only have Sharingan but he need to adapte this world power of magic.

First he will focus on his physical powers.

He started his daily ruteen of 20 Km Running, 1000 pushups, Sword fighting classes for next 5 months.

In this even his psyco pops supports him as he see that aman is going to build up for the future revenge.

After thd tough workout of last 5 months his status changed to

Name: Aman

Race: Higher Human

Age: 10 years

Gender: Male

Physical: Level 25

Magic: Level 0

Special ability ( Sharingan eyes)

Partner 0

Slave 0

After seeing his physical lavel 25 he become confident as till now he has not seen even a single person with physical Level 20. Now he is ready to take his further steps in this world.

After analysing his power he make a plan for future in his space stock he has a ranch of Arabian horses, high quality linsins plants, exotic fruights, meets and fishes. Now he decided to sell them for his initial capital. As this world in technology and science is mirror image of the earth. As now it's 2010 and it's the peak time to invest in bitcoin s and other cripto currency and in internet industry .

After searching on internet he got a perfect buyer for the goods it's Mega Mart chains. As one of the major procurement station is situated in outside of Baltimore City.

As a single child with his grandfather he matured earlier than his pears. He some time went to Baltimore City by his own bike as his grandfather always support him.

As on Monday morning he went to the Mega mart procurement station. At the gate of the station many trucks are going in and out. He parked his bite outside of the station and went to the reception. As he is only 11 year old child he know no one will take him seriously so he use his Sharingan make the illusion of an handsome young man. As soon reception lady see him she become too much enthusiasm and Directly have him the appointment to the procurement manager

As he went to the manager cabin he sees an old man of his grandfather age.

Aman: hello Sir.

Manager: hell Mr. Morton call me James.

As they discussed about the fruights and meet products. Aman took out the samples of the product as James was working in procurement department for at least 25 years as soon as he sees the sample he decided to procure the products for his Mart chains, as they are facing too many challenges from there compteter s. If his Mart have such kind of product no dought his Mart will become popular and he will also get the promotion as James always want to be the Bord of director of Mega Mart. For him aman is like a angel who only came for his salvation.

After discussing for some time the Mart will purchase the product on weekly basis the aman have to maintain the quality of product exclusively for Mega Mart.

Initially he decided to sell product for at least 2 million dollars but after discussion it is decided Mart will purchase 3.5 million product in weekly basis from aman. And aman will deliver the product at the Mart station.

After discussion aman went to his home.

Next day by using his Sharingan he leased some Cold storage outside the Baltimore City and hire some trucks. As he don't want people to suspect his product source. After delivering the first week lot to Mart station he got 3.5 million on his account. He know right it's not the time to spend money on the enjoyment. He went to his home and stated to form the plan how to tell that psyco grandfather about the money.

After next 2 month he have around 30 million in his account. Today it's 21st July and his birthday he secretly went to the harbour Town there is an locker room oction. After purchasing 3 locker room he decided to put 20 million in one of the locker and went to the grandfather.

As people can understand what game he played. After his grandfather came out of the sock they went to the locker room and bought money to the home.