Unfortunate maiden

In a quiet room, a maid with long brown hair moved carefully among the many bookcases while she dusted off the accumulated dust.

Without looking at the only person besides her in the room, she was on the lookout for him to give her an order so as not to upset him.

— "It has been several hours since the advisor Dante has not left that book, I wonder what it was about."

Driven by her curiosity, the maid began to clean the bookshelves closest to the counselor's back, trying to read the contents of the book.

— Leila, you know that I don't care what you do while you take care of the library, but you should avoid being very curious.

Holding her feather duster firmly, Maid Leila froze in her place when she heard the counselor's words.

— Sir, I ...

— Don't worry, you don't need to apologize." Also it seems that something happened while I was lost in reading.

Regretting not being able to continue reading the book that the king gave him, Dante put the book on a table and headed towards the exit of the library.

The maid seeing that she was not going to punish her gave a great sigh as she looked at the ancient book on the table.

— I think it's too much to say, but you must take good care of that book Leila, you must not let anyone read its content— taking a small continuous pause —including you—

Closing the library doors, a group of guards stood in front of the counselor and handed him a royal scroll sealed with the image of the Lions kingdom.

— Sir, the king ordered us to stay under his command.

Spreading the scroll, Dante was surprised at its contents and understood why the king assigned a group of guards to protect him.

— From now on you have ten minutes to prepare, then we will meet at the exit of the palace.

Taking a step forward, a guard who seemed to be the leader of the group reported a few words to the counselor.

— Sir, we have already prepared all our belongings including his, we only need his order and we will leave—

Looking at the face of the guard, Dante began to search his memory for the name of the guard, being confused when he could not find it.

— Since when you are her majesty's guard, I need to show your proof of loyalty before leaving.

—Sir, we have been under his majesty's orders for two hundred years."

Spreading their hands, all the guards presented an emerald charm sealed with the king's mark.

Without doubting the authenticity of the amulets, the advisor nodded and ordered to leave for the Lions while he watched as the sun rose over the mountains.

— "What will have happened in the kingdom, so that even the king uses his secret guard as a precaution."


In the library, Leila held a book in her hands while she doubted what to do with it.

— Maybe I should read it a bit, I don't think anyone will find out.

When the maid was about to open the book, several footsteps sounded in the outer corridor of the library, scaring the young woman who kept the book in her clothes.

As the doors opened, two young ladies with a noble aura followed by their escort entered the library.

Without warning, the guards began to search the library, leaving a mess where they passed.

When one of the young women heard from her guards that they found nothing, she approached the only maid in the place and asked her.

— Advisor Dante spent the whole night in this place, do you know that he read books or if he took something from the library?

— No miss, this maid she just kept cleaning the place while the counselor was meditating all night.

Seeing only fear in the maiden's eyes, the young lady did not believe her words and turned to look at the guards.

— Guards, check this woman and see if she has something strange between her clothes.

Without giving him a chance to protect themselves from her, the guards surrounded Leila and held her by her arms as they removed her clothes.

Amid her desperate screams, the young woman remembered the book she received and the counselor's order. Biting her lips, she used the blood pooling in her mouth and chanted a transfer spell disappearing from the spot.

— Guards, you must find her by any means before my other brothers.

— At her command, Princess Lilith.

As she watched the guards leave the place, Princess Lilith turned to face her sister.

— Are you sure our father took that book out of the royal vault?

— Doubt me? If this was not important, you think I would ask for your help to get that book, also the guards under my orders informed me that the counselor did not carry any book with him.

Lilith was the second princess of the kingdom, from her youth she was specialized in the magical arts being highly recognized by the neighboring kingdoms and she maintained a strong bond with the magical academy in the kingdom of Lions.

Next to her, Margot the fourth princess was related to the investigation of ancient magic, because of that she almost never maintained contact with her brothers and kept traveling through the kingdoms.

— It does not matter, we must obtain that book, if our father gave it to the counselor it must have a high value.

— Don't worry Lilith, even if that maiden knows the short distance transfer spell she won't be able to leave through the palace barrier.


A half-naked woman, she held a book in her arms while she tried to hold back her tears.

— It should not be far, check all the corners of the palace.

Outside, Leila could hear hundreds of guards pacing every corner of the palace slowly approaching her.

— "What can I do, I never thought I could lose my life just to receive this book."

For several hours the palace was kept in chaos checking all the servants who could have hidden the maiden.

In the main hall, the king received reports from his spies of each of the princesses' actions and was a bit disappointed.

— Bring before me the princesses Lilith and Margot—

The king was not angry with his daughters for the actions they took in the palace, he was angry that they were not able to catch a simple maiden.

That night, hidden among some empty jars, Leila hid by wrapping her body in a worn blanket while holding her breath every time someone passed near her.

A few meters from her, a group of servants carried the baskets and used vessels while unloading others full of food to replenish the palace warehouse.

Seeing that she had a way to escape, Leila waited for the moment when the wagon was left unguarded and she hid inside it.

The next day, the princesses got into their carriage and were escorted into the iron forest by their personal guards. As punishment for the disorder they caused, the king ordered them to support Lian in the campaign against the goblin lord.


In the sixteenth outpost village, it had been five days since Crow had lost consciousness.

During that time, the exploration groups found several military camps protected by domesticated beasts, not allowing them to see their interior.

Aisha and her subordinates carried out constant attacks on the military camps killing some of the guards before retreating to the forest.

— Captain, we have been informed that Commander Lian along with ten thousand soldiers were sent as support.

Surprised, Aisha said goodbye to her group and singing a spell on her legs increased her speed in the direction of the village.

At the same time, in Crow's room two women finished cleaning her body while feeling something strange on his skin.

Wasting no time, the women brought the village healer to check on Crow while they informed the princess of his situation.

In Crow's body, the energy flows that modified the young man's muscles lost their strength with every second that passed.

— Don't worry my lady, it seems that the young soldier will get up soon.

After a few hours, Aisha arrived at the village to talk with Eleine, but a tired voice was heard in the place giving her a surprise.

— How long has it been since I fell asleep.

Before the group began to ask questions, the healer stood in front of Crow and asked that the young man be fed light food so that he would recover soon.

Leaving the room, Aisha asked Eleine about Lian's arrival, she did not like the arrival of the young man who haunted her princess in the past.

— Of all the commanders they had to send him.

— Don't worry Aisha, even if he's a commander now, he won't be able to put a hand on us.

— Still, you shouldn't allow being alone with him, you don't know what he's capable of.

Seeing the concern of her friend, Eleine hugged her while she tried to calm her down, she knew that this time was going to be dangerous for them.


Meanwhile, Crow finished eating he got up from his bed and began to study his body. Every time he moved his muscles, he felt a strange energy move through his body giving him a strange sensation.

— It seems that something unnecessary has happened again.

If someone had seen Crow's eyes he might have noticed the rays, which for a time, passed into his eyes.