The gentle melody that was played by the orchestra was soothing and perfect for the happening atmosphere. Many reputed and rich people enjoyed their night in 'the great manor' of the O'Dell family. They didn't need any reason to celebrate and throw such lavish celebrations as the sole purpose behind such gatherings was to show off their wealth and power to the people.

The nobles didn't mind it as they saw such invitations by the most reputed family in the country as a chance to get interact with the people in power and see if they could get some gains from them.

Theodora O'Dell and Augustus O'Dell, the eldest living heirs of their family, were the best hosts that one could ask for. They planned this celebration with weeks of planning and spending a huge amount of money. Naturally, everything had to be perfect and suitable for their reputation.

While talking with their guests, Theodora's face broke into a smile when a family caught her attention. She hurriedly excused herself from the group that she was talking with and went to attend to that family.

"Welcome to 'the great manor', Sir!" Theodora welcomed the guests with a slight bow of her head.

The man, whom Theodora greeted returned the gesture by giving a smile and bowing his head. His wife hugged Theodora with a bright smile.

"Thank you for inviting us, Lady Theodora. The arrangements are commendable!" The woman said truthfully.

The couple was no one but the Wright family. The family was engaged in overseas trades for many generations. They were pretty important and respectable people. They were friends with the O'Dells and came by travelling miles to attend the celebration.

"I appreciate your words. I am very happy that you could make it tonight. Was your journey good?" Asked Theodora.

"The journey was fine. And how can we not regard the invitation from our dear friends?" Said the man.

Theodora giggled at the man's response. "Oh, you told me that you are bringing a special guest along with you. Where is that guest, Mrs Wright?"

The last time the Wrights visited 'the great manor', they mentioned that they would bring a special guest to meet O'Dells. Theodora recalled that specific conversation that happened months ago. Since then, she was excited to see this surprise.

"You remember?" Mrs Wright asked while arching her brows in surprise as she didn't expect Theodora to remember such a nuisance thing.

Theodora moved her head. "You know I don't forget anything easily, be it good or bad."

That was the style of Theodora. She said something simple, but the meaning of her words varied according to the situations and the people. Like right now, she meant it in a positive way, as Wrights were someone who she considered to be honourable. But, if it was someone else from the lower strata of the society, then her words would mean only a threat.

The couple grinned at Theodora's words. The woman turned to her right at the same time when a man stepped inside the hall.

"Lady Theodora, this is your special guest. Can you guess who is he?" The woman beamed.

Theodora narrowed her eyes a little while the man walked in their direction. She took in his entire form. The man was tall with good physic. He was not only handsome but had this charisma about him that gave away his kind nature. As he appeared near, Theodora could make his features more clearly and then the pieces fit together perfectly.

"Is this young man Lester?" Theodora asked with shining eyes.

"Yes, Lady Theodora. You guessed it right. This is our son, Lester Wright!" Lester's father said proudly while patting his son on the shoulder.

"Hello, Lady Theodora! It's nice to see you after all these years." Lester bowed his head to mark the respect he held for Theodora.

His smile made Theodora's face imitate his action. She smiled brightly and exclaimed dramatically. "Oh my God! I can't believe that the little Lester who used to play here has grown up into such a handsome, young man!"

A blush crept up Lester's face as he was a shy man by nature. Happiness was evident on his parent's face as they were proud of the man their son had become. Theodora called her husband as she couldn't wait to meet him with Lester.

As both the families shared a close bond with each other, it was obvious that Lester used to accompany his parents when they came here to visit O'Dells. But as he grew up and their business grew their visits became rare. Theodora was ecstatic to see him after years and couldn't hide her happiness.

"Hello, milord!" Lester's father said as Augustus joined the four of them.

Augustus laughed. "Mr wright, how many times I have told you to not address me like that? We are friends, you can call me Mr O'Dell."

"Yes, we are. But I should give you the respect that you deserve." The man answered.

Theodora couldn't wait for more as she asked her husband. "Do you recognise this man, Darling?"

Augustus gave a puzzled look as he couldn't recognise the man who stood with them with a smile on his face.

When her husband took longer to answer, Theodora, revealed. "This is our Lester! Son of Mr and Mrs Wright."

Recognition flashed in Augustus's silver-grey eyes. "Lester, my child. You have grown up so well! How are you?" He pulled Lester into an embrace and patted his back.

"I am well, milord! Thank you for inviting us tonight."

Lester replied politely.

Augustus and Theodora were impressed with his mannerisms.

"Lady Theodora, where are others? And where is Elsie?" Mrs Wright asked.

Theodora's hazel eyes searched through the crowd for her daughter. Her eyes caught the sight of Elsie, who wore a pearl coloured dress. Elsie caught her mother's eyes as she beckoned her to come near. Elsie excused herself from her friends and came to stand beside her parents.

"Elsie, Mrs Wright was asking for you." Augustus told his younger daughter.

Elsie smiled and greeted Mr and Mrs White. She was aware of the presence of another person in the group but she kept her eyes away from his sight as it would have been inappropriate to stare at a strange man. Elsie was a naive and sweet girl, who always acted and carried herself gracefully according to her family status.

Mrs Wright introduced Elsie to her son. "Guess who is here? This is your childhood friend, Lester!"

Elsie slowly turned to her right to look at the man. Her eyes fell on the handsome man who was already staring at her. Her breath hitched as their eyes met. She couldn't believe that the boy who used to tease her while they were kids was now standing in front of her in his full manly glory.

Elsie pulled herself together in front of elders and broke the silence between them. "Hello, Lester. It's good to see you after a long time!" She said softly.

But Lester was long lost in Elsie's innocent face that his mind caught only one word she said. His name. His heart relieved when his name left Elsie's pink lips.