Ruth went to Florence's house to give her the oranges that she had bought the previous day as a thankful gesture. When she said that she would answer truthfully to whatever the question Florence wanted to ask, she had no idea that it would put her in a difficult position.

"Tell me, Ruth. What is that I lack in me as a woman?"

Ruth was confused at her question. 'Why would she ask something abrupt like this?' she thought.

She kept avoiding Florence's piercing gaze as she knew that no matter how subtle her words would be, her eyes would give her away.

"Why such an absurd question suddenly?" Ruth asked slowly.

But Florence was adamant about getting an answer from the woman in front of her, who was fidgeting uncomfortably the whole time.

"I want the answer!" Her voice was hard that made Ruth more nervous.

She was scolding herself mentally for choosing the wrong timing to come here. But how would have she known about Florence's sour mood?