The tension in the living room of Thea's home was so thick that it could be cut by a sharp knife. Oblivious to the impending swarm of stress, Thea's parents were engaged in the conversation with their guests.

Both Edwin and Rees drank the water that Thea had brought after getting scold by her mother. Both of their eyes were trained on nervous Thea.

Her eyes darted towards the kitchen now and then as if she was silently asking Ruth's assuring presence beside her.

"Thea, where is Ruth?"

As if reading her mind Mr Green asked. His question alerted both men. One became more nervous than before while the other one grinned, for his guess was right.

She was here!

"R-Ruth, she... um... she is busy in the kitchen." Thea stuttered, sneaking a peek through her worried eyes at Edwin's calm face.

He was all composed and cool as if he didn't know who Ruth was.

"Ruth is also here?" Rees couldn't help but ask and Edwin didn't miss a slight ripple of worry in his voice.