Ruth watched Mr Payne's cough mild down with a pained face. Mrs Payne's eyes were wide as if she had seen a ghost. They both waited in silence, not due to patience, but they had no words to say. They knew no matter what they say there was nothing that could make him feel better.


Ruth instantly neared him, taking his hands in hers. "Yes, Mr Payne. It's me. H-How do you feel?" She asked carefully.

Breathing through his mouth, Mr Payne said in a hoarse voice, "G-good morning, dear!" He deliberately avoided her question. He had no heart to tell her the truth that he was not feeling well.

His head pulsated as if someone was hammering it with a large iron hammer. His body was weak and hot because of the fever. The constant itch in the back of his throat resulted in fits of coughing. He couldn't sleep well, nor he could stay awake for more time.

But he didn't want to tell all this to the ladies, who he had seen worrying for his health in these past days.