~"Rees, where are you? Come back to the base as soon as possible!"~

Rees alerted at the urgency in the guard's voice.

~"What is happening there? Master?"~

~"He is out of control again. His wolf has come out and is fighting with us. We don't think that we can handle him for long. Please come back!"~

Rees's heart raced against the momentum of his thoughts. ~"I am coming. Hold on!"~

He closed the mind link as his eyes turned back to a warm brown colour.

"Is it Edwin?"

Lester had already figured the message from Rees's reaction.

"We have to get back fast."

Using their supernatural speed, they ran out of the woods in the direction of 'the great manor'.

Within some minutes, they descended the stairs of the old building with worried hearts. As they neared the cell where Edwin was kept, the severity of the moment dawned upon them.