This morning was the most happening one after these bleak times. Mr Payne's laugh resonated in the small house after many days, relieving Mrs Payne's heart.

The two young women-Ruth and Thea shared gossips that they heard in Mr Cooper's tailoring shop. Rees described his experience of working for the O'Dell family.

During the conversation, his eyes curiously examined Ruth's face. Every time he mentioned Edwin's name, her brows furrowed, and lips turned down as if hearing his name disturbed her repose.

'And how is she going to accept Master as her mate?' He sighed mentally.

"I am glad that you came, Rees. We only had heard about you and your handsome face from both Ruth and Thea. But finally we get the pleasure to meet you." Mrs Payne- now more comfortable- said with a teasing yet warm smile.

"Pleasure is all mine, Mrs Payne. I did not know Thea was this close to you. I think I was the only one left out after all." There was a hint of sadness in his voice.