Ruth tossed and turned in her mattress, but sleep had turned her back to her. Her body ached after working relentlessly at Mr Cooper's shop and doing house chores.

She yawned till her eyes watered and her jaw could not open wider, turned to her left and smiled watching Zoe sleeping peacefully.

Ruth still had no idea how her leg got injured, but she was happy that it had recovered faster than she had expected.

After staring at the roof that had cracks and its paint chipped off at a place, Ruth gave on the attempt of sleeping. She opened the window and looked outside, the cold night air blasted on her face.

The window in her room opened to the road, but this window opened to a row of tiny houses and ahead of them was another apartment building just like the one she lived in.

With no obstructions, she could see the stary sky. Her eyes caught some movement below her floor. She squinted her eyes to see in the dark.