A man, average height and big moustache walked cautiously on the narrow road of one of the alleys in Cantonova. He had a shawl wrapped around his body and head partially covered by it.

His eyes kept darting left, then right as if anticipating someone jumping out of the shadows to scare the daylights out of him.

He startled and immediately came into a defensive stance with his one hand reaching for the dagger that was stuck in his waistband under the shawl. His heart lurched in his chest, breaths rapid and heavy, chest moving up and down with a thin layer of perspiration on his forehead.

"It is just a cat..." He exhaled warm air through his mouth and ordered his heartbeats to calm down.

Taking another deep breath and filling his chest with enough oxygen, he resumed walking. He had to hurry and reach the port before dawn.

Someone was waiting for him there in a shabby, small boat that could not travel far in the wild ocean. But it was enough to reach its destination.