Edwin couldn't help his mind that kept running back to Ruth time and again. He was monitoring her every move closely, especially with the threat of spies roaming Vincardine.

He had that brown cloth again wrapped around his wrist. It helped him to think rationally, and maintain his sanity.

Edwin had his men sent on the trails of those invaders. They had found most of them by now, and the remaining ones should be under his claws soon.


Edwin saw Rees entering his chamber. He nodded at him as an acknowledgement.

"We have found one more of them. And..."

"And?" Edwin arched his brow.

"And he is sent by the Council."

That came as no surprise. Of course, they would do such a thing.

"Barret Addington?"

"We do not know yet if it is his own doing or the Council is involved in it. But we have found some letters at the man's place that have the Council's stamp." Rees informed.

"Hmmm..." Edwin stayed silent for a while. His mind working the calculations.