Eloise was in her chamber after the silent and uncomfortable breakfast with her family, which she did not remember clearly as her mind was still in process of understanding the events that happened earlier.

She was still not over the fact that a poor maid put up a fight against her in front of everyone. And Lester? He would have done more if it was Elsie in her place.

Elsie must have been happy by watching her sister getting humiliated like that. Or was it Elsie's plan all along?

"Aaaarrggghhh", Eloise screamed in frustration.

She had to promise Lester that she would not tell anything about it to her father. She was not going to complain to that man anyway. She only used Augustus's name only as a threat.

What should she do to calm heal her ego?

She stopped pacing as an idea struck her.

"Now I will see how you survive, you poor peasant!"




Ruth was wandering in a secluded corner of the garden. She did not dare to face anyone after the incident with Eloise.