Elsie and Lester were preparing the place- that was hidden in the woods of Vincardine- for the rituals of a wedding between a human and a werewolf, with a blood bond.

Participating in this ceremony was a great deal as it was a rare occasion. Elsie had never been a part of it before. As her father and stepmother were not mates, they did not need to perform these rituals.

On the other hand, Lester remembered attending this ceremony once before with his father when he was young. He could not forget how awkward and bored Edwin was at that time, as it was also his first time attending the ceremony.

After that, Edwin had to attend a few ceremonies as a leader of the werewolves, but Lester could not get a chance to see him then.

This place was very special and auspicious for the werewolves as the two souls from different breeds united here for their long lifetime.

All the pack members were excited to attend it and bless the newlyweds.