"Darius... Darius! I am asking you something!" Lisa glared at him as she followed him around his bedroom.

"I am listening Lisa. You know that Vampires can hear even distant sounds." He said out of boredom.

"Then why are you not telling me where you are going?" She asked as Darius folded his clothes to put them in a bag.

"If I am not telling you something then it means that I do not want to tell. It is as simple as that. I thought you were smart enough to understand that."

Now Lisa was angry. She turned him around to make him look at her.

"Stop with this Darius. I want to know where you are going?"

Lisa's feistiness always amused him, and he liked it. But sometimes, she crossed her limits and then he had to be harsh on her.

Darius pulled her into his chest, wrapping his hands around her torso. "Do not worry, sweet Lisa. I will be back safely!"

Lisa's brows pulled together. "and what am I suppose to tell that man when he will ask me abot your whereabouts?"