Ruth was scared after Edwin lost his consciousness. She did not understand what went wrong. If it was because of the medicine, then he should have felt the pain immediately.

What if it was indeed because of that medicine?

Ruth sprinkled some water on Edwin's face.

"Edwin, please! Open your eyes, Edwin!" She panicked while tapping his face. She tried everything that she could for the next twenty minutes, but Edwin did not wake up.

Ruth sat beside him helpless and clueless. The fear began crippling her mind slowly as time passed by.

She thought of calling someone for help, but then she was afraid that people might believe Theodora and Eloise's accusations against her.

Ruth was pretty sure that if Mrs Payne had given that medicine, then there was no way something was wrong with it.

She was brought back to reality when she heard the low grunting sounds. She saw Edwin moving, his body still drenched in sweat.

"Edwin... wake up... wake up!" Ruth called his name in desperation.