Edwin was waiting for Rees and Lester in his chamber. He sent Ruth to her home to get a shower. Thea was cleaning his chamber. A glass of juice and breakfast remained untouched on the table beside Edwin.

"You should eat it before Ruth comes. That woman can be very persistent when she decides to be." Thea said.

Edwin recked his hand through his hair. "Do you know anything about Ruth's nightmares?" He finally asked.

Thea stopped cleaning the vase in her hands. She put it back in its place and walked towards him.

"I have heard from Mrs Payne about her nightmares. But I have not seen her having one by myself. Why?"

"She had one last night. She was very scared and was crying." Edwin told.

Thea's face morphed in worry instantly. "After her first encounter with Harold Davies and attack on her by those goons, she had nightmares for a few nights. Mr Payne's death also triggered her bad dreams."

"Hmm" Edwin nodded in understanding.