
Both Lester and Edwin almost yelled in unison.

Mrs Payne felt like her head was spinning, so she sat on a nearby couch. She beckoned the two men to join her as she put the book in her hand on the table.

The three of them surrounded the book.

"Read this." She pointed to a paragraph written in black ink.

"Painite is the rarest mineral found on the Earth. Painite is red, orange-red, brownish-red or brown in colour." Lester read the rest of the paragraph carefully.

After they were done with the reading, they sat in silence.

"What does this means?" Lester asked after his failed attempts at trying to understand things.

Even Edwin was not able to use his sharp brain to solve this mystery.

"It means..." Mrs Payne still had that worried yet confused look on her face. As if she could not believe the happenings.

"This saliva contains traces of Painite."

"And what does THAT means?" Lester prompted.

"That I do not know!" She said after a long moment.