It had been two days since Ruth shared that most beautiful night of her life with the man she loved. She still had her doubts and suspicions, yet she was glad that the tensions between their relationship had eased out.

That night she realised how much he meant for her. She could not believe how she stayed away from him for such a long time. Ruth decided that she would get mad, angry, maybe even curse at him when they would fight another time, but she would never try to stay away from him.

However, she prayed that there would be no more fights amongst them.

The blue stoned earrings had become a part of her uniform as she wore them almost every day. And the jealous looks she received for it from other women made her joyous.

This fine morning, Ruth woke up late in the morning. And thus, was rushing to Elsie's chamber. She was so late that she had to carry her earrings in the pocket of her dress. She helped Elsie bathe then got her ready.