Hilton was with Ambrose and Aurora discussing the administration and other things related to Kinsville. As expected, Darius was still asleep even after the sun rose high in the sky.

"Mr Hilton I heard you stay missing from your home for long hours. Is there everything alright?" Ambrose finally asked after about half an hour into the conversation.

Hilton smiled. "Yes, Lord Ambrose. There is nothing to worry. I am just trying to keep myself busy in various things to avoid the past memories choking me all the time."

Aurora's face softened hearing that.

"I am truly sorry Mr Hilton. Just know that we are there if you need any kind of help!" She said genuinely. "Right Ambrose?" She asked her husband, who sat with his one leg crossed over the other.

"Of course darling!" Ambrose said as his dark eyes remained focused on Hilton.

Hilton nodded his head. "Thank you Lady Aurora. I appreciate that!"