"What the fuck are you saying?" Harold slammed his fist on the table. His eyes were wide and angry.

He was in his office and his right-hand man was standing in front of him.

"Pardon, My Lord! But we are trying to locate him but seems like he has just vanished into thin air."

"Is he a water vapour to vanish in thin air?" Harold growled.

"But My Lord the last time he was seen was when you ordered him to dispose Lord Augustus's shoes. We haven't recieved any message or has seen him since then." The man informed, bracing himself for Harold's outburst.

Harold could not help but think of Edwin. Did he find it out? Did that man spill the beans in fear of Edwin?

"Look! I do not care what you are going to do but I want him in front of me in the next two days. That's all I can do to save your head from Lord Augustus's sword. Now get out!"