That night Fannie ran panicked in the direction of Augustus's chamber. Her face looked pale, and she ran as if a tiger was hot on her tail.

Thumping her fists frantically on his door, she called his name loudly. Augustus's werewolf hearing power did not miss the trembles in muffled voices coming from the other side of the door.

Confused, he opened the door in hurry, and she rushed inside. "Lord Augustus... Lord Augustus..."

"Fannie? What happened? Breath... breath..." He offered her a glass of water, but she shook her head in a polite rejection.

"Please... c-come with me. L-Lady Theodora... she..."

Hearing Theodora's name set Augustus in panic mode. "Theodora? What happened to her?"

"She is... please hurry up." She had no time to explain the things.

Sensing the urgency, Augustus rushed out, followed by Fannie. Picking up his pace, he marched in the direction of Theodora's chamber. As he turned around the corner, he could hear the sounds coming from somewhere in the corridor.