Hilton picked up his pace as he marched to Darius's chamber. It was good that Lord Ambrose was out along with Marcus, and Lady Aurora had gone to meet one of her friends.

Hilton waited for Darius but seemed like he was probably still asleep. Hilton was surprised that Darius had managed to hide his wound from his parents till now. Of course, he was avoiding coming anywhere near them.

"Darius... Darius...!" Hilton banged on the door in urgency.

He waited while hearing shuffling sounds. And not long after, the door was opened by Lisa. Hilton took a moment to observe that unfortunate human. He himself had no sympathy for humans whatsoever. Yet he could not help but think that she was an unfortunate soul who fell into the trap of a monster.

She looked worse than the last time he saw her. But why was she irritated?

"Where is Darius?" Hilton asked, narrowing his eyes at her.