Darius watched the dark sky that sheltered the Kinsville. He could feel the gloominess in the air. Perhaps it travelled all the way from Vincardine.

He chuckled.

Was anyone even bothered by the death of a prostitute? He didn't think so. If anything, Ruth must be ecstatic that he helped her get rid of one thorn from her way. But wasn't he pushing her more to Edwin? One would have thought so.

But Darius's mind worked differently. The more he helped her, the more were the chances of her getting attracted to him. Darius would even kill the whole Vincardine if it meant Ruth would come running in his arms.

That thought brought a smile to his handsome face.

The soft breeze that flew past him made his curls fall on his forehead giving him that innocent look.

Poor Florence! She shouldn't have trusted a stranger like that. How did she not wonder why Darius... correction... Perrito jumped for her help? Why was he so interested in Ruth and Edwin?