Ida's scream reverberated, cutting through the silence as she fell face first. The heavy weight on her back was too much for her, even though she was a werewolf. Before she could understand anything, she felt the wetness dripping on her shoulder and the dominating scent overpowered her senses.

Using force, she turned under that weight throwing it aside with a swift motion. That action was unexpected for the brown wolf that barred his teeth at her. But within seconds, he again charged at her.

Ida got up on her feet again and was ready to face the attack.

~"Master... to the Southwest."~ She informed Edwin.

~"I am coming Ida. Hold on!"~

Lester's wolf charged again at Ida, but she dodged its attack fuelling his anger. She knew she couldn't keep on like that for long, but she also didn't want to fight with someone she harboured immense respect for.

"Lord Lester... please! Calm down. Listen to me. Please shift back." She tried talking to him but no avail.