Mrs Payne stirred, groaning in pain. The darkness in front of her eyes made her frown. She forced her eyes open slowly and saw the blurry faces looking directly at her, waiting for her to get her consciousness back.

"Mrs Payne... Mrs Payne?"

She heard that voice that seemed like coming from a distance when it was actually coming from very near.

"Can you hear me?"

After a minute's struggle, Mrs Payne finally opened her eyes completely and could see Ruth's teary eyes and relieved face smiling down at her.


She grabbed Mrs Payne's hand tightly in hers and exclaimed in sheer glee. "Thank God you are awake! You scared the life out of me!"

A small smile stretched on the old woman's face. "I am here my child! I am not going anywhere before I see you where I always want you to be!"

"I love you, Mrs Payne!" Ruth hugged her laying frame and closed her eyes, preserving the feel of her warmth.

"I love you too, my child!"