"Mr Hilton, can I have a minute please?"

Hilton was in the Garfield mansion to meet Darius, but before he could make it to his room, he was stopped by Lady Aurora.

"Hello! Lady Aurora! How are you doing today?" Hilton asked politely.

Aurora smiled, showing her bright teeth. "I am very well, Mr Hilton! Thank you! I don't want to sound rude but may I ask what are you doing here?"

Hilton very well knew how she meant to sound.

"I am here to meet Darius."

Aurora's lips twitched. "I have noticed that you have grown quite close with Darius! My son is not the kind of person who gets comfortable around others easily, but he respects you a lot!"

Hilton smiled. "Thank you, Lady Aurora. But I don't see a problem here. After my son's death, Darius has always supported me to get over that pain."

Aurora smiled a fake one. "Of course, Mr Hilton! I am glad that he has someone to look after him! But I was just wondering if there is anything that I should know?"