Darius came in the evening to find Lisa busy watering the only plant he had allowed her to keep in their room- a rose plant.

He stood a few feet behind her watching her focus on the small plant. For once, her face had no lines of worry or fire of anger in her eyes, nor did her heart race in fear. She looked perfect there!

But Darius's creative mind was not satisfied with that sight. For him, it was incomplete. And what could complete it was far away from him and with Edwin.

But not for too long!

"Darius? When did you come?" Lisa was taken aback by his presence behind her.

"Just now." He walked towards her and glanced at the plant.

"It hasn't flowered yet."

Lisa nodded softly. "It will take about a week more. I am waiting to see its first flower!"

The small smile on her face caught Darius's attention, and he leaned for a kiss. But that only wiped her smile, which he didn't realise, nor did he care.

Lisa cleared her throat once apart. "Do you want to say anything to me?"