The carriage finally stopped after hours, and Darius shook Lisa's shoulders gently to wake her. She fell asleep somewhere along the journey, resting her head on the wall of the carriage.

She kept stirring in sleep as her head hit the hardwood with every bump on the road. She didn't know when Darius pulled her to him and placed her head on his lap and she drifted into sleep comfortably.

As soon as she noticed Darius's face looking down at her, she hurried to sit up.

"Wh-where are we?" She asked, glancing outside the window to see a two-storey building in front of them.

"Welcome to our destination Lisa! Welcome to Cantanova!"

Darius smiled before stepping down from the carriage. Lisa was confused. All she knew about the town was that it had only humans and was the neighbouring town of Vincardine.

A thought of Vincardine made her suspicious, but she couldn't just go to conclusions yet.

"Come on Lisa, I am waiting!"