The two teams that Edwin had made prepared to leave after getting the final orders from him. Mrs Payne noticed the worry itched on Thea's face and how instinctively her hand reached to her stomach.

She also noticed how Rees wanted to have a talk with his wife but couldn't muster up enough courage to do so with Edwin around.

"Rees, will you please come here for a minute?" Mrs Payne called him just before he followed Edwin.

Edwin glanced back, but when Ruth pressed his hand, he understood what she meant.

"Hurry up." He ordered Rees before leaving with the others that leaving only Mrs Payne, Thea and him there.

Thea passed a thankful look towards her for the help. Mrs Payne smiled before walking to where Laila was waiting for her, dragging her still recovering foot with the help of a stick that Ruth had bought her.