The Sun was lenient today as if it also knew that the party had a special plan for the day. The servants hustled to prepare a long table under the large gazebo across the main fountain with dishes of various varieties and drinks of different colours.

The white marbled structure had carved pillars at four corners that held the weight of the dome sturdily. The green climbers with bright pink flowers coiled around those pillars accentuated the simple beauty of the place.

Ida was busy making sure that everything was perfect. Though it was a simple brunch, she wanted to make it as perfect as she could. It was not every day that they got some time for themselves and to relax. But more than that, she wanted that place to feel warm and fresh at the same time for a special reason.

"Ida, everything is done now." A maid informed, looking at the preparations with a proud smile.

Ida nodded her head in appreciation. "You have done a good job! Now, send someone to call-"