A tense silence stretched in the room at Elsie's words. Even Edwin looked worried now. He too was aware of how possessive his uncle was about that particular room. He spent many of his nights sitting in that room with bottles of either alcohol or wolfsbane potion as his only company.

Even Lady Theodora hadn't seen that room from inside ever. No servants or maids were allowed to do cleaning in there.

It was his core, and nobody could sneak inside. Perhaps not even Edwin.

"But why that painting?"

Dexter shrugged at Rees's question. "Maybe Lord Walter was sure that people would never find it there as those paintings from the family tree are barely touched by anyone."

While others were pondering why that particular painting, Ruth had something else on her mind.

"If Lord Walter felt the need to keep his research a secret, then it means he wanted to protect them from someone."

Every voice died, and all heads snapped in Ruth's direction, including Edwin's.