Ruth and others prayed as they watched Zoe enter the dome. That much Ruth had figured out when Edwin told her to apply that special oil on her body. Now she was curious and also worried about the next part.

Zoe took one glance at the cubs, who were busy catching the meatloaf for themselves. She needed to work faster before they sensed her presence. She looked up to see that Edwin was ready with the rope if anything went wrong.

She took a good look at the cub that was still on the floor. She noticed that it was a male. She carefully crouched down, ready to back away if he decided to attack her.

She observed his body carefully but found nothing wrong. Yet his eyes were closed, and his heart was beating at a slow rate.

Something was definitely wrong with him, but Zoe didn't have much time to figure it out. So she began working on the next part of their plan. She took out the bottle of the oil that she was carrying around her neck.