Edwin was with the physician discussing the situation of the ill cub they had managed to save.

"Alpha it took us a long time to diagnose the real problem." The physician took a sketch he had made to explain in great detail.

"This" He pointed at the structure that looked like a rope. "Is his intestines. Their function is to digest the food. Now we don't know what kind of food he was served in Kinsville, but whatever it was, it created an infection in his intestine.

He must not have felt any pain or symptoms at that time due to the effect of Painite. That again brings me to the conclusion that these cubs were fed Painite on a regular basis, perhaps in different proportions.

But now that the intake of Painite has completely stopped, though his wolf was getting stronger, his young body couldn't handle this infection anymore.

The intestines swelled and created some acids that didn't allow him to digest anything."

"But how can they spilled out of his stomach like that?" Kevin asked.