Lester took only Rees with him and a boatman to take care of their boat. He didn't want to do anything that would put him at disadvantage in these negotiations with the Dragon House.

Their boat crossed the waters around the unnamed island where they had decided to meet. He could see how the Dragon House was still apprehensive, their guards up because they didn't invite him to Nekaku Island.

He didn't blame them though. If He was entrusted with the responsibility of taking care of something as precious and unique as those colossal mystical creatures, then he would have been as alert as them.

Rees raised a green flag, a sign of identity they had chosen mutually. And yet his hand was on his dagger. A bow and a quiver full of arrows were ready near the boatman, who was also a werewolf.

Lester's eyes were analysing everything in his surrounding. Though the Dragon House would never betray the trust, he couldn't just let his guard down around them.

Not yet, at least!