Under the starry sky, the crescent moon did not do much in lighting the earth underneath it. The forest was not too dense, but the closely grown trees created dark shadows that gave it that eerie appearance that would make any person gulp in fear.

Somewhere in the distance, an owl hooted. The crickets creaked in a steady rhythm. A rustling sound from the left caught Darius's attention. His ears perked up to catch more of it.

He was feather-like light on his feet, careful to not step on the dry twigs or slip over a stone. He turned to his left, following the direction from where that rustling sound came.

He was only a few steps away from the place when he heard another sound from behind. Darius's senses were on high alert now.

There were two preys?

He turned behind him to see a shadow at some distance. He tried to sniff the air but couldn't catch any distinct smell. Carefully, he advanced toward that shadow, but it moved away when he neared it.