Eloise quickly looked away, realising she was drooling over him for too long, and the embarrassing part- he noticed it. Harold's lips stretched in a subtle smirk, but the way colours changed in his orbs told the emotions that swung in his chest.

"Turn around." Eloise whispered, feigning nonchalance.

He did as he was told, and Eloise finally took a good look at his back. Though there were not many cuts, there was this one that was deep and nasty.

Blood covered his back and was beginning to dry. She cringed in pain as if she was the one boring that scar. She began cleaning his wound in silence. With every touch of her, his muscles in that part twitched and rippled delicately.

She had a hard time keeping her focus intact. But that didn't stop her from placing her other hand on his back. Her fingers glided over his smooth back leaving behind a trail of burn.