"The day of departure was nearing fast. On Edwin's command, the exact date was not revealed to the people of Vincardine. They only knew that Edwin had decided to go out of Vincardine for some time for a business trip.

A large chunk of people didn't really care where Edwin was planning to go and why. They still thought that he was a bad omen. And, bad luck for the town of Vincardine and its people.

It was better if he went away from Vincardine, they believed.

Aware of the resentment in people's minds, Edwin bore the pain of those thorns focusing on the greater good he was supposed to do.

He stood on the dock, watching the servants loading the ship with their luggage and other essential things. A gust of air blew his hair and tussled them in a mess on his head.

But Edwin was unaffected by that, standing there with his hands crossed behind his back.