While everyone had their hearts in their throats in anticipation and nervousness, Ruth was oblivious to her surroundings. She was still humming the tune that calmed the Sun dragon.

The dragon enjoyed her touch and the soothing sound that reverberated from her throat. He sat down, grumbling.

Ruth paused her humming, not understanding what he was trying to communicate to her.

Naturally, she looked behind her at Lazarus. He was too shocked and mesmerised by what he saw that it had to be Edwin pushing him ahead slightly to make him walk Ruth's way.

Lazarus glanced at the sun dragon, but the creature completely ignored him as his large green eyes were fixated on the tiny human caressing his face.

"Lazarus, what is he trying to say?" Ruth asked, still in a daze that she didn't even glance at her mate, who stood shocked and upset at her ignorance.

Lazarus cleared his throat before he explained. "he likes you."

Lester slowly stepped forward and covered Edwin's clenched fist.