With the black wolf on their ship, the dead pirates looked not only confused but also panicked. They charged at Edwin but he instantly shifted into his human form.

Pulling a clothe hanging nearby, he wrapped it around his waist instantly for the sake of modesty before he took the first wave of attack.

"Use their weapons on them!" Ruth had told him.

If the black wolf was marvellous and fearsome, then Edwin in human form was deadly and swift. His muscles rippled with his every move. Despite his tall height and bulgy muscles, he was light on his feet, moving and dodging the attacks with ease.

It had been a long since he had fought a battle in his human form. And he realised he enjoyed it as much as he enjoyed fighting in his wolf form. The only difference was in the bloodlust.

His human was more sensible when it came to destruction.

Ruth was fighting with the ones who attacked her when an arrow came from their ship and landed right beside her.