"A man doesn't raise his hand at a woman, and a courageous man doesn't attack from back."

Thea turned around to see a tall man with olive tan skin, long braids and a masculine build staring at the man on the ground with displeased expressions.

The whole commotion came to a halt as everyone stared at the tall man oozing authority.

"Chief Yaqub!"

That name rang bells in Ruth's head as she stared at that man wide-eyed. It had been more than twenty-six years, yet he looked as magnificent and fierce as then.

How did she not realise who he was when she caught him staring at her? Did he realise who she was? But how?

Ruth picked up on the man's identity from the memories of her father. Chief Yaqub held a special place in Gerald's heart, and the same overwhelming warmth spread through her seeing the man in front of her.

How destiny was playing her games was beyond Ruth.