Thea watched Ruth pacing around for the past fifteen minutes. The frown on her beautiful face refused to seize, and the fruits they had received to eat remained untouched on the table.

Thea touched her stomach as it gurgled due to hunger. Her mouth watered at the sight of fresh and juicy fruits. But one glare from her husband made her sit back on the couch with a small pout on her face.

"Ruth! Can you please stop moving like that?! You are giving me an headache." Zoe finally tore the silence with her frustrated voice.

Kevin cast her a disapproving glance but remained silent.

"And can someone take me to that petty werewolf leader? Because my clwas are itching for some blood." She hissed like a cat, barring her pearly white pointed teeth. Her yellow eyes glinted dangerously.

"You shouldn't talk about him like that." Kevin pointed out monotonously.

"We cannot control our mind though."

Ruth finally stopped pacing, and every head in the room turned to Rees.