The day passed agonisingly slow, and the evening came with a sombre mood. Ruth was upset the whole day and couldn't focus on anything.

Though she was very angry at Edwin, her eyes kept searching for him. But he was nowhere to be seen.

Was he with Feronia again?

Ruth sighed, rubbing her forehead. She sat in a chair that was placed near the window. Resting her chin over her hands, she gazed outside with only Edwin's thoughts on her mind.

The air was pleasant, playing with her hair. Ruth's eyes turned heavy, and before she knew it, she was already asleep where she was sitting.

She didn't know how tired she was until the sweet sleep embraced her with open arms.

"Ruth? Ruth!" A sweet angelic voice called her.

Ruth was too exhausted to pay attention to that call. But the more she tried to ignore it, the more it demanded her attention.


Ruth forced her eyes open only to be greeted by endless darkness around her. Her gaze fell to see that she was standing in the water.