Tell Him The Truth

Edwin looked at Ruth apologetically. The chaos in his mind reflected in his cerulean blue eyes. A shadow of sadness darkened his features.

"You were waiting for me, didn't you?"

"Yes, but you took longer than I expected. If you hadn't come in the next fifteen minutes, then I would have come to you myself."

Ruth smiled, caressing his face, feeling the roughness of his light stubble. Edwin didn't look like the heir of O'Dells but a raw, barbaric werewolf leader, complementing his popular adjectives.

"So what should we do now?" It was Edwin who asked that.

Ruth sighed, placing her head on his shoulder while he traced mindless patterns on her palm.

"I don't know. We knew it was bound to happen. We tried to avoid it, yet here we are back to zero again."

"But we cannot let things happen in this way. I was so upset that I left the dinner without even having a word with King Oberon.