How Do You Know Reznor?

"Oh, she is of your great help, Lord Edwin. Because Cara is the mysterious witch, Reznor's wife."

King Oberon's words brought the time to still for a moment. Ruth replayed his words over and over again in her mind. And then it struck her.

She recalled her father, Gerald Livingstone's conversation with Reznor from the snippets from the past she had gotten by the white feather. 

"Cara..." The world resumed moving around her as she gawked at the woman in front of her.

Though Cara didn't look as old as Mrs Payne, she was probably centuries older than her. 

"You are Reznor's wife?" Edwin blurted out, still trying to wrap his head around the recent revelation.

Cara nodded her head, her smile held pain and longing.

"But Reznor is-" Thea abruptly stopped before finishing the sentence, and a mound of thick tension cascaded upon them. 

Cara tilted her head, frowning in confusion.

"How do you know Reznor?"