
Julie's POV

A few days ago,

I woke up and noticed it was still three minutes until my alarm goes off. I groaned sitting in my bed pulling my hair for a few minutes. "This is not happening," I whispered recalling all the details from yesterday. Did I really agree to marry someone for...for money?

I was sure I didn't sleep last night but got out of bed before walking to the kitchen in bare feet to only find Anna already there.

"Good morning," I greeted her and only got a nod from her side. She was getting things out and seems to make breakfast. Today, Rachael had surgery in the evening and the girls were skipping school.

"Don't worry, everything will be alright. You have me…ok?" I walked to hug Anna's back and find her tense. Only if Rachael's surgery gets successful I knew everything was going to fall in place. We went to look for Rachael and wished her well.

"Where did you get the money?" She asked,

"Katelyn was looking into some NGO's," I replied,

"Please pay my regards to her," She whispered and kissed Sarah's head sitting in her lap.

"We will," I hugged her, and we were asked to leave her. We three waited outside and these were some gruelling four hours. The doctor came out with a little smile and a tired face. "She is alright…" I sighed heavily and couldn't stop tears while I returned my girls' hug. We could only see her from outside when she was shifted and took the cab back home.

We get into our apartment and Sarah ran to the couch to jump, "Mom is going to play with me!" She shouted, "Yea, life is going to be so different…nothing is going to stop us." Anna said and I turned to notice a genuine smile on her face after days.

"Yea, life is going to be so different from now on," I said lowly but ordered a hot meal from our favourite restaurant. For some time I really wanted to forget what I was going to do but in the corner of my subconscious, I was thinking if I could back off now.

In the night I closed my eyes but opened them instantly recalling what I have agreed upon. No one knew about our agreement and he didn't even ask me to sign the documents that he passed me. The thought was a little rebellious but I instantly regretted it. Mr Lucca trusted me…I know…but who does that? The money was already wired to my account but marrying someone I know nothing about was a little daunting.

I don't even know who I am going to marry or what is his name at least.

Yes! I will talk to Mr Lucca and tell him how stupid it all sounds and how it is his mistake to not tell me about his son or how it got me back off.

I took a side and slept. The next few days the girls barely attended school and we were found more in the hospital for Rachael to give her cards or flowers. She was given the best treatment and I overheard staff talking about how someone called to book the luxurious room for her. I wanted to come clean in front of Rachael but planned to talk to Mr Lucca at least once about my concerns. Rachael asked me about my job and I barely dodged her question.

"I don't want you two to miss your school anymore," Rachael told the girls while both nodded their heads.

Removing the blinds in her hospital room, I wonder where my mom was but shook away the thought. I knew wherever she was she wasn't thinking about me.

Hello Julie,

I hope your mother is doing great,

Can you come to see me in the morning tomorrow? I read the texts from Mr Lucca and typed.

Sure dad,

It seems really different but I didn't have any say in this. He had paid me one million dollars to call him dad. Duh…

The next morning I woke up having my mind all wired to have the talk with Mr Lucca. And, how it doesn't sound practical was on my mind. Sarah was smiling over something about how her class teacher dressed while Anna was busy helping me out in breakfast.

"We don't laugh over teachers…honey." I set her up with a sandwich while Anna got their school bags ready. I got my bag and planned to leave too to see what it was about but recalled how I forgot my cellphone on the charger.

"I will be right back," I apologized to the girls leaving them on the stairs to make a short trip but getting back I noticed Joe talking to Anna.

"Joe?" I intervened and couldn't help my annoyed face.

"Hello, Jewels. I heard Rachael got the surgery. Anything you need…just call me, ok?" I gestured to the girls to keep walking while I looked at him grinning with his yellow teeth. One could tell he hadn't taken any shower for days.

"Thanks…" and this is when it hit me. We really needed to change the place. I had enough to change the place right now and pay off the loans…but…it means I really have to marry Mr Lucca's son who could be widowed, divorced, or a sixty-year-old…or…or…a psychopath or a person who is bedridden. I don't know…nothing else explains why his father was looking for a bride for him and never mentioned anything about him.

"Are you fine?" I asked Anna who stared stupefied in my eyes before nodding her head. I saw girls getting into the bus and waved to Sarah grinning at me.

"I am so gonna change this place. Or maybe I should do it before Rachael comes back." I whispered to myself before taking a cab to Mr Lucca's place that was so going to be mine if…

I noticed some more cars parked in front of the mansion. Please…don't let it be more people…please no audience. I pleaded in my heart getting to Mr Lucca's study to only find him busy discussing something with Mr Winston.

"Good morning," I greeted them and took the seat when Mr Lucca gestured me to.

"I wanted to talk to you…" I started softly but firmly.

"Can we do it tomorrow? You see..." He cleared his throat before starting, " son doesn't get much time. And, coordinating when all of the guests could be free was a lot of work too. I couldn't inform you but I knew you will be available giving Rachael is alright now."

First…he didn't let me complete my concern and that got my confidence to the baseline. Second,…what he was referring to?

"I didn't get it…but Rachael is still in the hospital so it is a lot of work…"

"We are having a party where I would like you two to exchange rings." I stared at him shocked and my throat felt dry. I wanted to say something when Mr Winston entered.

"Mr Lucca,…Mr. Hashimi is up and your brother in law has arrived too." The realization that he had guests over was confirming that it was indeed true.

"You…I…you could have told me." I barely managed. I don't know why my voice was so low but it got me a very solemn face from Mr Lucca.

"Mr Winston?" He looked at his butler who left shortly after.

"Are you fine…my daughter? Did not we talk about it...we talk about it, right? I have selected you for your tolerance and endurance…don't let me see anything else. Remember…it's a job." His grey eyes were large and intimidating while the last of his words were ringing in my head. It was as if I was hypnotized at the moment and couldn't move. At that very precise moment, I knew I had gotten into some real shit.

F.a.c.e.b.o.o.k p.a.g.e: Ashleh Queen

I.n.s.t.a.g.r.a.m: theashlehqueen

T.w.i.t.t.e.r: AshlehQ