Pass for a Human

Disturbing content ahead!!!

"Mrs. Lucca I have packed some lingerie and a few dresses. This small suitcase has your jewelry." I nodded to sapphire, a woman who assists Sasha and now came to help me pack. "I can offer you a bath if you want…"

"No," I cut her off.

"Mrs. Lucca…you have received these suitcases," One of the staff came to mention entering my room and I couldn't care who was looking at me when I almost ran to my suitcase. It was as if living a little moment that was telling me the life doesn't use to be this suffocating.

"Sapphire?..." I whispered and she bowed a little before getting out. I was still not able to comprehend why they bow.

I opened my suitcase and held my clothes to me inhaling deeply. I miss my homeland, my family, and all those times when I used to think I have got a lot to do. Because now I feel static…I recalled Matteo's every curse calling me a gold digger or hapless. My things were crying out I wasn't the one. If even now I get out of here I was able to earn a living, get back to my home, or ace the world. These were the things telling me that I am not someone who is scared of doing hard work.

"Mrs. Lucca…" Someone knocked on the door.

I went to the door and found another woman from the staff standing. "You cellphone," I looked down to notice my cell. I received my cell phone and it was like getting a part of freedom. I switched it on and got the charger from my suitcase. I opened my cell phone and was about to check messages when I got a call from Mr. Lucca.

I knew the staff who passed me the cell phone must have told Mr. Lucca that she has given me my cell phone. I totally feel stalked. I inhaled recalling those rare days when I used to think that caller ID is from someone who is going to be my family.

I huffed before receiving the call, "Hello Julie, How are you darling?" His cheerful tone got me by surprise.

"Mr. Lucca?" I was shocked.

"Look, I know I went overboard that day but you tell me how I am supposed to treat you like family when you are not doing the things I hired you for." I rolled my eyes and grab the vase placed near the wall.

"Mr. Lucca?" I said again but was cut off.

"Call me dad," And, that really boiled my blood.

"A dad who is only my dad until I am Mrs. Lucca?"

"Of course, look I am aware that from the last many days you are keeping my son wrapped around your finger. I knew you will be able to manage but if that day I would have supported you…everything was going to collapse…but it's fine I understand that people at your age are driven mostly by emotions and not…" I gulped hard.

"You do realize that you have kept me in dark…you and your son trapped me…but there is one thing I am uncertain about…" I walked to the terrace and looked at the greenery with a very gloomy heart. "…I am failed to make any sense why you did this? know things could be a lot easier if you…tell me for what I am here."

"Why do you think you are here?" He asked back.

This got tears in my eyes and I had to take a moment before replying.

"To play his perfect wife and...let the whole world think that he can be a family man?..."

I got my eyes narrowed when I found Mr. Lucca laughing hard. I had never seen him laugh. "Oh my daughter, I don't know if he had mentioned it or not but…leave it…no…you aren't here to show anyone anything. You are here only for my son. I want you to let him see what life is."

"Don't you think it was your responsibility?" I couldn't help the sarcasm in my voice.

"I have turned him into something so strong. But now I want things changed…and when the sons are aged somewhat my son's age…parents can't do a thing but a woman…a woman can do…I have told you that I wanted someone patient for this job. So, you see it is indeed a job. I don't care if now you want to leave this job or not…you can try…but I don't think now my son will let you go…so, if you can make him agree, you are free to go…but until then you are supposed to call me dad," This literally made me pull my hair.

"Sometimes you gotta earn the title. And, the person I used to call dad was someone not even close to you." I cut the call with this because I was this close to cursing him. And, I wonder why I was doing it a lot in my mind. It was indeed the fruit of spending hours with Matteo.

I went back to the room and took the shower. My arms were sore massaging him for hours. I got out and used the intercom to call for a muscle relaxant tea. I had the robe on that I knotted tightly in the front. I still had to know where the kitchen was in this big palace of his because the moment he left for his office, I try to sleep as much as I can.

I was still unable to sleep beside him and getting my legs numb under him was real torture too. And, today I wasn't getting any time to sleep because I was asked to follow him somewhere out of the station.

I wonder why it has to be so difficult for women. I lay on the bed with my legs hanging off the edge. I closed my eyes recalling his curse and insults. I had thought about having a husband and I believed it will be like having a real family but here I was feeling used. As if I am nothing but a pleasure thing. His grey eyes, smirk, and the way he held me or talk to show I owe him made my throat constricted.

"Thinking of me?" I opened my eyes and got up with a gasp but his fingers touching my thigh was enough to make me stop. Apparently, my robe wasn't covering my thighs as it was slipped to the side.

I had my face lowered as I get my hair behind my ear. "I will get ready," I said and tried to get up but his hand on my arm held me in place. He was standing so close I could literally feel his breaths brushing my forehead. "It's fine…we own a plane…and employees who should wait."

"You want something?" I look up for a second but finding his very dark gaze got puzzled.

"Your mouth…I am not a fan of thin mouth but…you are changing my mind." This got me to look at him.

I looked down to only notice how he was growing behind his pants. "What the fuck are you doing Julie?" He hissed making me jump and it was only now that I realized. I opened the knot holding my robe and take it off.

His two fingers came to rest on my shoulder. My body got tense when he came to graze my chest while his other hand came to my mouth to rub my lips with his thumb. "Have you ever given a blowjob to a man?" He asked and I looked up. Of course, I knew what it meant. I was still when he held my chin up.

"You should always be thankful to me. I am taking you to a nice place. And, you…are neither excited nor grateful. You know…you keep showing me how ungrateful bitch you are...Say thank you." I got a sting in my eyes.

"I…I didn't ask you to…" I whispered but looking at his pissed eyes I knew it was a wrong move. I gasped when he pinched my mouth with his fingers.

"Good…now this trip will be everything about me. And, you won't be getting any gifts or fancy dinner…saved me a lot of money I tell you. Fuck! Julie why you have to be this ungrateful?" He left me with a jerk while I caught my mouth wondering if I have dislocated my jaw.

I got shades on my eyes the moment I got out with him. I planned to wear one of my dresses but he made me wear a brown dress that was way too short for my comfort.

"You know what? This attitude of yours doesn't suit women like you!" He came close to my ear making me gulp hard. We were already seated on the plane.

"You are such a disgrace to women!" He came to hiss making me flinch and held my inner thigh. Someone came to tell us to get our seat belts and once we were alone he pinched my thigh. "Don't know how to earn and don't know how to treat your man right. I fucking provide for you...are you even listening to me?"

I hiccupped letting a tear fell off but it was from my right eye and he couldn't see. I brushed it off and wanted nothing but to die when he kept kneading me violently. I held my hands tightly when the plane took off and shivered when the time to get the belt off came. He held my hand and motioned me to walk but I couldn't move. I was scared like never before.

He was angry…and I didn't know what to do. I knew I was screwed when an uncontrollable hiccup came up and tears rolled off my both cheeks.

He jerked my hand and I finally got up with my shaky legs. He opened a door and has his arm snaked around me. The door was closed with a thud and I was plastered against it. He took off my shades and I knew what my eyes were right now.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" He yelled making my ears ringing. I was hyperventilating. He seemed murderous I couldn't help it.

"I am sorry, Matt…I am so sorry, Sir!" I hiccupped while I fear his eyes fixed over mine. His jaw was clenched when he seethed.

"When you depend on someone you don't give your smart mouth to them." I inhaled sharply before uttering.

"Matteo, I am…I am so sorry. I…know that I want you…I am…am nothing without you." I recalled some faint words from Sasha.

"No, no, no, no,…you tell me what is wrong with you?" He asked to which I look at him in disbelief. He knew I didn't mean the words I just said.

"You don't know what is wrong with me? You are abusing me literally with your words and hands…mentally and physically…and…I…"

"I am abusing you?" He seemed surprised while I only lowered my gaze hoping he could notice his hand around my neck.

"Aww, you want me to treat you like what?" He asked making me look away as I sniff.

"A wife?" He added making my breath hitch.

"If a human being?" I shot back making him leave my neck while a very satisfied smile came to rest on his mouth.

His hand came to rest on my jaw suggestively. And, I knew by now what this look of his meant. "I…I can't do that…because for me you gotta have a large sum of money, power, and status to pass for a human?" I looked at him in disbelief while he shrugged his shoulders and leaned into my neck.

Mr. Lucca's words rang in my head and I was pissed at that old man more than ever. His son didn't need a woman. He wanted a fucking asylum to be treated.

You are allowed to curse Mr. Lucca SR. or JR. all you want.